Vienna, Austria – October 24, 2024 – In an informative and inspiring event, the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP), the United Nations Correspondents Association Vienna (UNCAV), and the European Network of Filipino Diaspora Austria (ENFiD-Austria) joined forces to celebrate United Nations Day with the theme “UN Vision: The Role of Youth and Civil Society in Ushering a Peaceful Society.” The event highlighted the importance of empowering youth and mobilizing civil society in creating sustainable peace across the globe.
Held at one of the plenary rooms at the United Nations in Vienna, the celebration brought together representatives from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Philippine Embassy (PE), the City of Vienna, Universal Peace Federation (UPF), United Nations Women’s Guild (UNWG), youth and civil society leaders, youth organizations, and members of the Filipino and Austrian communities, media, fostering dialogue on the crucial role young people and grassroots movements play in achieving global peace.
Ms Mariana Gomez delivered a comprehensive presentation on UNDOC: Working with youth and civil society in the framework of peaceful societies. It was encouraging to know that in 2018, UNDOC had the first ever UN strategy on youth mainstreaming called “Youth 2030”. The Strategy serves as a tool for UN entities to uphold the meaningful engagement of youth in different priority areas – including peace and security. One of UNODC’s cross-cutting commitments is the empowerment of youth. Youth empowerment is also emphasized in the UNODC Strategic Vision for Africa and the Strategic Vision for Latin America and the Caribbean. Representing the European Network of Filipino Diaspora (ENFiD), the youngest but very eloquent speaker Sarah Jozelle Rojas delivered a presentation on “Young Voices, Big Impact” which covered the following salient points:

The Role of Youth in Building Peace
Youth are often seen as the leaders of tomorrow, but we are the leaders of today. Our energy, creativity, and passion for justice make us essential in driving change. Young people worldwide are leading peace initiatives, engaging in conflict resolution, and advocating for policies that promote harmony and inclusion.
The youth contribute to peace in multiple ways:

- Advocacy and Awareness: Through social media and grassroot movements, young people can quickly spread messages of peace.
- Education and Empowerment: Educating youth about peace, democracy, and civic engagement is essential. When young people understand their rights and responsibilities, they can play an active role in community development and peacebuilding.
- Dialogue and Mediation: In regions affected by conflict, young leaders often serve as mediators between groups, fostering dialogue and reconciliation.” Ms Rojas strongly stated that “the youth must be equipped with the right tools and platforms to enact change explained the role of ENFiD as a platform for youth”.
Continuing her presentation, she further stated that “the European Network of Filipino Diaspora was founded in Rome in 2012 and currently has 17 country affiliates Europe.
It is an organization that aims to connect and empower the Filipino communities and envisions a thriving, empowered diaspora that contributes positively to society in Europe and maintains strong ties to the Philippines.
Its mission and vision are supported by four pillars that guide our activities and projects.
They are known as the 4’ E’s: Empowering Euro Pinoy Youth: 1. Education and Learning, Embracing the Environment, Elevating Arts, Culture and Sports.
Through its various programs and initiatives, ENFiD promotes:
- Youth Empowerment: WE recognize that young Filipinos in Europe are uniquely positioned to make an impact, both in their host countries and back in the Philippines. By creating leadership programs, workshops, and community projects, ENFiD helps equip the youth with the knowledge and skills they need to advocate for peace.
- Cultural Exchange and Dialogue: Through partnerships with other diaspora groups and international organizations, ENFiD encourages cultural dialogue, promoting mutual understanding and reducing barriers that can lead to conflict and prejudice.
- Advocacy for Migrant Rights: ENFiD advocates for the rights of Filipino migrants, supporting their integration into European societies while helping to preserve their cultural identity. In doing so, it promotes social inclusion, reducing the potential for social tensions.”
Ms Rojas encouraged everyone to “remember that peace is not a passive state—it is an active process that requires constant nurturing. The youth and civil society are key drivers of this process. They ensure that future generations inherit a world grounded in justice, equality, and peace. Organizations like ENFiD are essential for enhancing these efforts to support the UN’s vision of a peaceful society. In conclusion, Ms Rojas expressed a call of action: “Let us continue to work together, across generations and across nations, to build a world where peace is not just a dream but a shared reality”.
Mag. Caroline Hungerländer, Member of Vienna City Council delivered a presentation in her capacity as Managing Director of the Institute for Environment, Peace, and Development (IUFE). highlighted the importance of empowering young people and fostering collaborations between civil society organizations to address global challenges.
Her insights resonated with the audience, emphasizing proactive engagement and innovative approaches to peacebuilding. Her talk inspired attendees to contribute to creating a more sustainable and harmonious world Chief Administrative Officer, WFWPI Corporate HQ – New York, USA, Director, WFWPI, Office for UN Relations – New York, International Vice President, Women’s Federation for World Peace International, Ms Merly Barlaan, with her decades of experience in peace education and leadership brought her unique perspective on how civil society organizations can harness the power of youth leadership to advocate for peace on a global scale.
Ms Barlaan is a peace and environment advocate with special focus on women, youth, and family-centered community development. She promotes peace leadership education, community, youth and women empowerment programs. Since 1997, she has played an active role in the United Nations civil society community. She has managed and implemented several projects in cooperation with civil society, national local governments Palau, Philippines: (Province of Bohol,) educational institutions such as the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Philippines, Bohol Island State University (Philippines), Kean University, NJ, USA, York College, CUNY, Queens, NY; local government units (Isabela, Quezon City, Bohol: Carmen, Clarin) and faith-based organizations as collaborator and partner. During her service as the national president of WFWP Philippines (2013-2020), she developed five landmark development programs and projects to support the stakeholders in addressing the country’s environmental, economic and social problems.
Atty. Daryll Generyn Migano, delivering a Statement on behalf of the Philippine Embassy in Vienna, stated that “It is truly an honor to welcome you today as we commemorate the founding of the United Nations, an organization that has stood for peace, unity, and human dignity. The UN vision is a world where conflict is rare, justice prevails, and human rights are the bedrock of society.
Meanwhile, the role of civil society cannot be overemphasized as it serves as the voice of the people, holding institutions accountable and ensuring that peace is not just the absence of conflict but the presence of justice, equity, and opportunity for all. In fact, in the Philippines, the role of civil society is also enshrined in no less than the Constitution as the participation of civil society in governmental processes is an essential and much- desired component in empowering citizens by giving them opportunities to articulate their needs and to take part in the decision-making processes. An active civil society participation is vital in the pursuit of a more participatory and responsive governance.
As we reflect on the founding principles of the United Nations, let us reaffirm our commitment to empowering young people and civil society. Together, with their leadership and our support, we can usher in a future that is not only peaceful but prosperous, fair, and sustainable for all.
It is a vision that speaks not only to nations and governments but also to each one of us, especially our youth and civil society. The theme of this activity speaks to the heart of the UN’s vision for the future. The energy, creativity, and commitment of young people around the world have proven time and again to be powerful catalysts for change. From advocating for human rights to leading movements for climate action and peacebuilding, youth have a critical role in shaping the societies we aspire to create.
Young people, with their energy, creativity, and ability to think outside the box, are the catalysts of tomorrow’s solutions. They have shown their ability to lead social movements, advocate for human rights, and foster understanding across borders. In the Philippines, our Constitution has enshrined the principle of the State recognizing the role of the youth in nation building and that it shall promote and protect their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being.
Talking about the contribution of the youth to peace building, Mr Hermann Kroiher, representing the United Nations Correspondents Association (UNCAV) and the European Police Association (EPA) as UNCAV Secretary General and EPA Director for International Affairs and Public Relations respectively, stated that “Peacebuilding and conflict prevention are crucial elements for the growth and development of any society.
These efforts have been primarily led by governments and civil society organizations for a long time, leaving out the crucial role that youth can play in these processes. However, youth have immense potential to contribute to peacebuilding and conflict prevention efforts in various ways.
Firstly, youth can contribute to peacebuilding by actively participating in decision-making. Youth are a significant segment of any society, and their perspectives and voices must be heard in peacebuilding and conflict prevention discussions. By involving youth in decision-making processes, governments and other stakeholders can leverage their energy and creativity in developing solutions to prevent conflict and promote peace.
Secondly, youth can play a vital role in promoting social cohesion and tolerance. Youth have a unique ability to mobilize communities and create positive change. They can use this ability to promote intercultural and interfaith dialogue and build bridges between different social groups. By doing so, they can help to reduce tensions and prevent conflict.
Thirdly, youth can be instrumental in addressing the root causes of conflict, such as poverty, unemployment, and inequality. Youth unemployment and underemployment are significant problems in many societies, and they can lead to frustrations and feelings of hopelessness. These feelings can fuel tensions and conflicts. By providing opportunities for youth to participate in economic activities, governments and other stakeholders can address the root causes of conflict and promote peace. “
The highlight of the event was the Bridge of Peace which is a WFWP initiative aimed at fostering reconciliation, healing, and peacebuilding across cultural, racial, and national divides. The Bridge of Peace Project promotes dialogue, mutual respect, and understanding between people from different backgrounds. The symbolic “bridge” represents the crossing of barriers that separate individuals and communities, and through this process, participants commit to working together to create harmony and peace.
The core of the Bridge of Peace is a ceremony where individuals from different countries, cultures, or backgrounds are paired as “sisters” or “brothers.” In this ceremony, participants meet face-to-face, often in front of an audience, to cross a symbolic bridge, exchanging flowers or tokens of peace as a commitment to overcoming past divisions and building lasting relationships of trust and cooperation. The key elements are responsibility, respect, regret & renewal and commitment. Participants in the Ceremony therefore experience the transformational power of employing these internal skills. This potent model of restorative relationships is both an experience and a resource for those who experience it.
Overall, the Bridge of Peace is a powerful tool for promoting peace and understanding, encouraging individuals to take personal responsibility for healing historical divisions and working toward a more peaceful world. The ceremony concluded with a song from Ms Shirley Dimaano, “Let There Be Peace on Earth”, a fitting ending for a UN Day event focused on the role of youth and civil society in ushering peace.
About WFWP, UNCAV, and ENFiD-Austria:
• WFWP advocates for peace through service, education, and women’s leadership globally.
• UNCAV plays a crucial role in facilitating communication between the UN and civil society in Vienna.
• ENFiD-Austria represents the Filipino diaspora in Europe, actively contributing to the socio-cultural and economic development of communities in Austria and beyond.
This UN Day celebration underscores the shared vision of a peaceful world, where youth and civil society are at the forefront of building bridges and fostering unity.
Photos by Mandy Salonga, Nora Macatangay & Sarah Jozelle Rojas
About the Author

Maria Zelda “Marizel” Rojas is a dynamic leader and influential figure in Filipino and international communities. As the Chairperson of the European Network of Filipino Diaspora- Austria (ENFiD-Austria) and a Board Member of ENFiD, she champions the causes of Filipino expatriates in Europe. Her passion extends to community building, as shown by her work as President of the Bikol Society Austria (BSA), Founding Member and former President of the Philippine Austrian Cultural and Educational Society (PACES), adviser and former president of the Vienna International Centre Club Filipino (VIC CF), auditor for the Vienna International Centre Gastronomy Club (VIC GC). In the international organizations, she is a Board Member of the United Nations Correspondents Association Vienna (UNCAV), Liaison and Councillor for the Philippines in the European Police Association (EPA), member of the United Nations Women’s Guild and former Newsletter Editor for two years and a member of the Filipina Women’s Network (FWN), which honoured her with the prestigious “Most Influential Filipina Women in the World” (Global FWN100™) award in 2019.
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